Drug and alcohol rehabilitation center

By April 23, 2016Uncategorized

Drug and alcohol rehabilitation center

One question a parent may find themselves asking at some point in their child’s life, “How do I know if my kid has a drug/alcohol addiction?”  Which may also be followed by “Does my child need to go to a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center?”

These questions first require the answer to “What is an addiction?”

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines addiction as:  the “compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal” and “a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble)”.

Drug or alcohol addiction is a disease with a destructive pattern. There is a physical dependence that drives the addict with an overwhelmingly strong desire to obtain and use drugs or alcohol. The addict must have the drug or alcohol to continue to function “normal” and getting the drug or alcohol is their primary motivation.

drug and alcohol rehabilitation center

The use and abuse of alcohol and drugs are serious, potentially life-threatening issues that shouldn’t be ignored.  If left untreated, abuse can develop into drug dependence or alcoholism. It is crucial to recognize the signs and symptoms of alcohol and drug abuse early so you can get help.

Some of the symptoms of drug or alcohol addiction to look for include:

  • Increased tolerance requiring increased dosage or more frequent use to obtain the same affect
  • Experiencing withdrawal as the affects of the substance wears off
  • Substance taken in larger amount and for longer period than intended
  • Desire to stop but can’t
  • Ignoring activities that were once important
  • Continued use despite negative consequences
  • risk-taking (willing to take more serious risks in order to use)
  • relationship problems (acting out against those close to them, teachers, employers, classmates, parents)
  • changing their appearance (serious changes in appearance or decline in personal hygiene)
  • secrecy (going out of one’s way to hide activities; unexplained injuries)

Drug use or abuse does not necessarily lead to addiction; however, there are risk factors that attribute to the likelihood of a drug user developing an addiction.

Some of the susceptibility for drug or alcohol addiction risk factors for teens include:

If your teenage son is exhibiting symptoms of drug or alcohol addiction, it is imperative that you seek help for him.  Some teens can do outpatient therapy from home, but more than likely, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center will be the most beneficial for the long-term.  Choosing one that feels right and is a good fit for your child/family can be tricky, but early intervention and action is crucial in helping your teen escape a life-alternating (possibly life-ending) addiction.

If you suspect your teen has a drug or alcohol addiction, don’t wait.  Reach out for help now!  You don’t have to do this alone.