Daily Archives

March 21, 2013

TYS Blog

Texting and Driving

No doubt you have heard and seen the advertising campaigns about texting and driving.  Many states have passed laws with huge fines associated with texting and driving and the use of cell phones and driving.  Teens are the most dangerous drivers and they are very easily distracted. Texting requires visual, manual and cognitive (involving conscious thinking and reasoning) attention.  This is why texting is so dangerous when driving. Check this…
TYS Admin
March 21, 2013
TYS Blog

ADHD – Difficulty Paying Attention Part 2 of 5

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is defined as someone experiencing significant difficulties with inattentiveness or hyperactivity and impulsive behavior or a combination of the two. You may be familiar with the acronym, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) which was used to describe people that experienced difficulty paying attention without the hyperactivity and impulsive component. Most medical and therapeutic communities no longer use the term ADD since the definition of ADHD (Attention…
TYS Admin
March 21, 2013