Work Hard, Play Hard

We teach our students how to enjoy life to the fullest,
and the opportunity to have fun from their own hard work!


Helping Your Teen
Reach Their Peak of

At Triumph we help your teen reach his full potential by helping him live in truth,
integrity and accountability
during this most critical transition in his life.


Triumph Alaskan Adventure

Breaking the mold using a positive peer culture to soar to new heights!


Work Hard, Play Hard

We teach our students how to enjoy life to the fullest,
and the opportunity to have fun from their own hard work!


Helping Your Teen
Reach Their Peak of

At Triumph we help your teen reach his full potential by helping him live in truth,
integrity and accountability
during this most critical transition in his life.

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Our Program

The Triumph Experience

Educational Services

Residential Treatment for Boys Transitioning to Adults Ages 12 – 17

Through hard work and dedication, Triumph Youth Services provides a safe, nurturing, yet strict environment where basic and essential principles of life are easily taught and exemplified.

We strive to provide a program that encourages and teaches physical fitness and everyday work ethic. This aids in the development of obtaining positive lifelong habits including: healthy living, responsibility, accountability, reliability, respect for authority, commitment and integrity. In turn this will give youth the tools they need to be successful now and later on in life. Our goal is for each youth to complete our program and be able to provide for themselves as well as their future families and become positive contributing members of their individual family units and of society.

It is important to talk the right talk, but it’s even more important to walk the right walk. Here at Triumph Youth Services we believe that “action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action”. The Triumph Youth Services Perseverance Program incorporates a structured therapeutic environment based on an advanced Positive Peer Culture Community involving consistent group counseling and peer mentoring.

A Personal Triumph: Sterling Lyman’s Legacy & Impact

The Core of Our Program: Resolving Teen Issues

Through hard work and dedication, Triumph Youth Services provides a safe, nurturing, yet strict environment where basic and essential principles of life are easily taught and exemplified.  Below are just of the some issues we help teens overcome to reach the peak of their success.

Our Mission

Building individuals of truth, integrity and accountability who inspire faith in a Higher Power and are leaders in a quest for excellence.

Through the specialty treatment programs and services provided, Triumph Youth Services strives to fulfill this mission each and every day. We believe that the way to help our youth and families become healthier, stronger and more unified is by building men and women of integrity and character. We define character as: Individuals, who take responsibility for their own lives, make the right choices regardless of the circumstances and care about helping others in need. Integrity is one of the most important parts of building character. Integrity is strict personal honesty and independence. With integrity one may take responsibility for one’s life, do the right thing even when no one is looking and help change the world by changing oneself. Here at Triumph Youth Services we are dedicated to our mission.

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