Teen Emotional Issues

Bipolar Disorder

What is Bipolar Disorder? According to the National Institute of Mental Health, Bipolar Disorder is when a person has unusual mood changes; feeling very happy and more active than usual (manic) or feeling very sad and much less active than normal (depression). These mood swings are typically dramatic and unpredictable. Bipolar Disorder is often referred to as a manic-depressive illness.

Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder is often reserved until adulthood; however, it can be diagnosed in children and teenagers.

Manic Symptoms

  • Excessive happiness, excitement
  • Unrealistic belief in one’s abilities
  • Agitated and irritable
  • Increased energy
  • Racing thoughts
  • Euphoria
  • High sex drive
  • Risky behavior
  • Easily distracted
  • Need less sleep
  • Feeling invincible
  • Frequently misses work or school
  • Poor work or school performance


Depression Symptoms


There is no cure for Bipolar Disorder. Treatment includes mood stabilizing medication and psychotherapy. Triumph Youth Services uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in individual therapy combined with group and family therapy to treat each youth’s issues. CBT is effective in teaching those with Bipolar Disorder to change behavior and negative thought patterns.

In addition to the therapy, the Positive Peer Culture utilized in Triumph Youth Services facilities help the youth process their issues and build skills for their own personal progress. This includes consistent group counseling and peer mentoring, which are crucial for helping teens learn appropriate behaviors and change thinking patterns.

Our staff members are trained and encouraged to be effective leaders by serving as teachers or coaches who hold the young men responsible for working on problems and to act as limit setters and good listeners.

The clinicians at Triumph Youth Services are highly trained and have extensive experience working with adolescent youth. Our clinicians are licensed and approved as mental health professionals to provide individual, group and family therapy.

Call Triumph Youth Services. We are here to help.

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