Career days with BATC

By May 13, 2016May 17th, 2016Uncategorized

Our boys were able to participate in a career days event hosted by the BATC (Bridgerland Applied Technology College) in Logan Utah.  This event has vendors and business from all over Utah to give high school and middle school students a peek into different occupations available to them if they choose to further their education at a college like BATC . From construction, to welding, to computer programming to nursing (just to name a few).  We had boys operating heavy equipment (with supervision), some learning how to weld pieces of metal together, and learning how to paint automobiles.

There were over 80 booths for students to play in and learn from and kids came from 21 different schools, including ours, Triumph Academy.  It was a great event and opportunity for our boys to see the value and importance of education and what careers that education can lead to.
