Service is Beneficial to Recovery…

We believe that it is not only important to be a part of our community, but a part that the community can count on. We know that when our Students are providing a selfless service that the results are always positive. If ask you the young men what they like about Triumph, you might hear about hiking, the ranch, or the sports they participate in. But don’t be surprised when almost always they talk about giving back to the community. Serving demonstrates that they are fulfilling a need that will lighten a burden of someone they might not even know. More importantly they know that they CAN make a positive difference in the world.

We believe that performing acts of service better prepares the young men to enjoy their life after Triumph, even though it will be filled with hard work. Our students KNOW they can do hard things, and that brings a level of self respect that you can’t get any other way.

This is just one of the many reasons we feel our program works. If you think a program like ours might be helpful to your son or grandson please contact us here.

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