It is the modern technological age. There are numerous digital devices and electronics and many are portable. Items such as: cell phones, laptop computers, smart phones, tablets, video games, digital music devices, etc. You cannot go anywhere without seeing someone on a cell phone, smart phone, tablet or other device. I recently went to a restaurant and just watched as people came in and were seated. Almost every table had at least one person on a cell phone!

Teenagers are always looking for the next new device. There are advantages and disadvantages to all these digital and electronic devices.

Advantages include:

  • Access to endless information
  • Obtaining information instantly
  • Safety by having a cell phone to call for help
  • Computer literacy
  • Teaches constant attention
  • Staying in touch with friends and family
  • Convenient way to communicate
  • Social interaction
  • Learn new skills, keyboarding, game strategies, etc.
  • Easy and quick communication with others
  • New technology keeps us learning new things


Disadvantages include:

  • Isolation from contact with others
  • Hearing damage from use of headphones
  • Access to inappropriate information
  • Cyberbullying
  • Impatience and frustration with internet service is slow
  • Devices become distractions from dealing with problems
  • Cell phone addiction
  • Need to upgrade devices as technology improves, can be expensive
  • Information posted online stays forever
  • Computer addiction
  • Using devices while doing other activities can be dangerous; such as: texting and driving, talking on the cell phone and driving, etc.
  • Social interaction can be limited and can cause problems with interpersonal skills if there is a lack of personal interaction with others
  • Sexting
  • Privacy is compromised
  • Internet Addiction Disorder
  • Expectation of instant responses to communication


Technology is here to stay. It is important to monitor our teenagers. Get to know the texting language they are using. Watch what websites they are viewing. Check who they are talking to, who their social media friends are and who they are texting. Teach your teen responsibility in using their devices. Remind them of being safe: no driving and texting; no driving and talking on a cell phone. Teach technology manners such as being courteous to those around them and keeping the volume down when listening to music.

If you suspect your teen is having a problem with their cell phone, laptop, gaming device, etc., get help. Often we heard…”everything in moderation.” Computer or Internet Addiction requires intervention. Do not wait.