
Engage is a great word that brings a sense of action.  It can be a positive force to get youth involved, which is crucial for our future.  The boys at Triumph are no exception.  In fact, they are learning the skills, activities and service to not just be excellent members of the community, but true leaders.  Triumph engages them through daily activity in Dog Training, Seven Habits for Highly Effective Teens, 12 steps and New Freedom Curriculum.  They also instil a sense of community support and involvement by regularly engaging the youth in community service and activities in the area.


Some definitions of Engage:

  • to make a guarantee
  • to establish a meaningful contact or connection with
  • to begin and carry on an enterprise or activity
  • to do or take part in something
  • to give attention to something
  • to enter into conflict (remember that not all conflict is not bad; great and creative ideas can come from conflict)





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Some great aspects of Engage:

  • it is active, not passive
  • it is proactive, not reactive
  • it is passionate, not apathetic



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See the Activities page for more detail (https://triumphyouthservices.com/activities/)