Alaska Adventures

Triumph incorporates positive experiences throughout the program to help build leadership, independence, problem solving, peer mentoring, and life skills; just to name a few.

The Triumph Alaska Adventures in the summer is the highlight of these activities.  The majority of the adventure will take place on the Kenai Peninsula, fishing in the Kenai River and the Pacific Ocean.



Students will enjoy:

  • Outdoor workshops (class credit is available, but not always on every trip due to availability)
  • Sportsmanship
  • Fishing on the Kenai River
  • Fishing in the Pacific Ocean
  • Sightseeing tours
  • Hikes with glacier views
  • Bear viewing
  • Exploring Alaskan Culture – including dog sleds
  • Alaska Cuisine

This adventure is for students both currently in the program and those that have already graduated!  Parents and family members are also welcome to join the expedition.

Note: This program has an additional fee, which includes travel, lodging, fishing, food, licenses, charters, gear, therapy, programming, school credits and more.  If you plan on sending your son on this once in a lifetime trip, also plan to send him with some spending money (Alaska is full of farmer’s markets, pizza and ice cream).