Academics with your son’s Treatment…

Triumph Academy is the academic portion of Triumph Youth Services and is a 501(c) 3 Non-Profit Organization. Triumph Academy is accredited by the Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC). NWAC accredits high schools and higher learning schools in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington, national schools outside the United States and is one of five regional accreditation organizations.

We believe each student has potential for growth and learning. Many students come to Triumph Youth Services credit deficient and struggle with academic motivation. Others just need the consistent positive reinforcement and planning that can help them get back on track.

Triumph Academy is proud to offer a complete academic program serving all types of students. Some of our students may be behind in school, needing partial credits for classes or struggle with attention, behavioral, emotional or other disabilities. We provide and include a complete academic assessment to help determine potential disabilities and monitor academic growth.

Small classroom size helps with individual learning for all students. Most students thrive in a small classroom environment rich in multi learning strategies such as the ones offered at Triumph Academy. Our classroom environment combined with the structure of the residential program help get students focused and consistent with attending and succeeding in school. Our teachers are trained to work with the attention, behavioral, academic, and emotional needs of the students. Our on-site classrooms were built and designed with student needs in mind.

In school, the Special Education Department is responsible for helping students with Emotional Disturbances (ED), Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Learning Disabilities (LD) or behavior disorders. The IEP is developed by parents and school personnel and describes strengths and weaknesses of a student, special education services that are needed, goals and measureable objectives and classroom accommodations that are needed for the student to be successful.

Does your son have an Individual Education Plan (IEP)? Triumph Academy educational staff will work with your sonโ€™s current IEP. Our educational staff includes a Special Education certified teacher who will help facilitate and monitor progress and collaborate with your school district regarding your sonโ€™s IEP.

Through a combination of direct instruction and an independent study track, students are able to meet or exceed credit study requirements. Students attend school year round and without additional work will complete 3 semesters in one year.

Triumph Academy also offers transition planning. Students leave ready to join the work force, attend college or continue in their traditional high school.

If our program sounds like something that your Son or Grandson could benefit from please contact us HERE.