Welcome to Spring Rugby in Utah. Our boys have never played the sport before, but they are taking ownership into the team unity and camaraderie that comes with rugby. This is our middle school group, and our boys did great.
LindsayMarch 5, 2025
Congratulations Nick, we are so proud of the young man you've become. The challenges you've overcome, the relationships you've strengthened, the skills you've developed and the path you've started that will lead to a brighter future. Congrats young man, and stand proud!!
LindsayFebruary 15, 2025
Graduation Day for our Matty and Zero!!! Stand tall and proud young man. Enjoy the fruits of your hard work and labor. Bittersweet moment when our kids move on, but we know he's headed on with the tools to become successful.
LindsayFebruary 5, 2025
When a student is eligible and has approval from his parents and the Treatment Team, he may participate in various sports. Some sports like rugby, basketball, water polo, golf, and ultimate Frisbee (when participation and interest numbers are adequate) are offered through the program. A qualified and approved student may also participate in Box Elder School District interscholastic team sports such as soccer, track, football, baseball, basketball, swimming and wrestling.…
LindsayFebruary 1, 2025