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Triumph Retrievers

Triumph students have the opportunity to train Registered Retrievers. The youth care for and train puppies, juvenile retrievers, and adult retrievers on a daily basis. This covers socialization, obedience, and basic training through advanced training. Once the boys become competent in their training skills, they also have the opportunity to work at and compete in many nationally AKC licensed retriever tests and field trials. This is a highly therapeutic process…
October 19, 2020

Community Service

We believe it is vitally important for our students to learn, understand, and appreciate the importance of work ethic, and be able to apply it to their lives. Our “Work Hard Play Hard” philosophy helps us to achieve this goal. We implement this through charity, meaningful community service, school work, therapy/program assignments, chores, and apprenticeships/employment. After working hard it is equally important to Play Hard. We provide community services projects…
October 16, 2020

Sports and Activities

Activities used in addition to evidence-based treatment Triumph Youth Services uses many different activities and interventions in addition to evidence-based treatment to address the needs of this target population. Some of these interventions/activities include: Community Service, Community support groups including Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Addiction Recovery Program (ARP), Boy Scouts of America, Dog Training, Seven Habits for Highly Effective Teens, 12 steps and New Freedom Curriculum, just to…
October 14, 2020

Life Skills

We at Triumph work extremely hard at preparing our youth for a successful future. Part of this process is teaching them valuable life skills. A life skill group is held daily to discuss the skill that is being worked on for that week. Staff gives feedback to the students in regards to what area of the skill needs improvement. Some of the life skills we work on are: Decision making,…
October 12, 2020