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One parenting mistake

One parenting mistake One parenting mistake parents can make is putting off getting help when they're teenager needs it.  Sometimes we think the problem will resolve itself.  Or we deny the problem is as big as it is.  Or, we just don't know who to ask for help.  All of these are reasonable and legitimate.  But.  Waiting to get help when our kids need it can be detrimental and cause…
September 2, 2017

Triumph testimonial

We're always so grateful when we receive feedback from parents and Triumph graduates.  This is an e-mail we recently received from a father of one of our Triumph boys who went on the Alaska expedition this summer. Hello Sterling, I received the 50 lbs. of fresh filets of Alaskan salmon as planned.  Justin’s siblings, mom and I couldn’t be more excited about eating the delicious salmon that Justin helped catch.…
August 28, 2017