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Teen issues

Teen Bipolar Disorder

Teen Bipolar Disorder What is Teen Bipolar Disorder? According to the National Institute of Mental Health, Bipolar Disorder is when a person has unusual mood changes; feeling very happy and more active than usual (manic) or feeling very sad and much less active than normal (depression). These mood swings are typically dramatic and unpredictable. Bipolar Disorder is often referred to as a manic-depressive illness. Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder is often…
October 22, 2016

Who are your friends?

This is a video we shared on our Facebook page, but thought it was good to share on the blog as well. Who are your friends?  And what difference are they making in your life? WHO ARE YOU FRIENDS (click the link)  
October 20, 2016

More from parent week

Here's a video of some of the various things the boys memorize and say together while going through Triumph.  I got the chills the first time I heard them say this all together. Here's the LINK.
October 18, 2016

Parent week at Triumph

Parent week is held once every quarter and definitely something our staff looks forward to.  It's a great opportunity for the parents to see what progress their son has made and a time for them to connect more.  These are days the kids and parents won't forget.  Not a dry eye on the house for some of it.
October 16, 2016