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Teen Low Self Esteem

Teen Low Self Esteem What is Teen Low Self Esteem? Self esteem is a person’s overall evaluation or judgment of his or her own worth. Low self esteem is a person’s inability to accept himself; having an unfavorable opinion of oneself or lack of confidence or worth. A person with low self esteem has a poor self image. Abraham Maslow, psychologist and creator of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, states that…
October 9, 2016

Arctic Circle Adventure

We had an epic adventure above the Arctic Circle with 2 of our Triumph graduates! Such an amazing overall experience. This expedition made us all reflect on life and the ultimate Triumph. Both graduates Mikey and Eric expressed how this experience put in perspective just how much they appreciate and love those that care for them and continue to sacrifice for them and love them unconditionally. Being 100% completely cut…
October 6, 2016

Individual Education Plan

Individual Education Plan Some students need an Individual Education Plan (IEP) to help them better succeed in school.  Triumph Academy is the academic portion of Triumph Youth Services and is a 501(c) 3 Non-Profit Organization where we work with each student to establish an individual education plan and get them on the right track in their schooling career. We believe each student has potential for growth and learning. Many students…
October 4, 2016

Teen Bullying

Teen Bullying What is Teen Bullying? According to the American Psychological Association, Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort. Bullying can take the form of physical contact, words or more subtle actions. The bullied individual typically has trouble defending him or herself and does nothing to “cause” the bullying. What is Aggression? Merriam-Webster defines aggression as injurious and…
October 2, 2016