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Alaska Fishing

Triumph Alaska Adventure

Alaska Adventures Triumph incorporates positive experiences throughout the program to help build leadership, independence, problem solving, peer mentoring, and life skills; just to name a few. The Triumph Alaska Adventures in the summer is the highlight of these activities.  The majority of the adventure will take place on the Kenai Peninsula, fishing in the Kenai River and the Pacific Ocean. Students will enjoy: Outdoor workshops (class credit is available, but…
June 16, 2023
Triumph Retriever Program

Triumph Retriever Program

The Triumph Retriever Program is a training and competition program where Triumph students have the opportunity to train Registered Retrievers. The youth care for and train puppies, juvenile retrievers and adult retrievers on a daily basis.  This program supports the therapeutic processes Triumph utilizes and provides real world training along with Animal Science Credit. Once the boys become competent in their training skills, they also have the opportunity to work…
June 13, 2023
Triumph Rugby

Triumph Rugby

Triumph developed Box Elder County’s first Rugby Program, which is a part of Utah Youth Rugby Association and USA Rugby.   The team is comprised of Triumph students and youth in Box Elder County. The team participates in full-contact 15-man rugby and 7’s rugby tournaments, which includes community and High School Teams. Utah Rugby follows a strict code of conduct (Utah Youth Rugby Code of Conduct) that is in compliance…
June 11, 2023
Triumph Youth Service


Donate Today With your help, Triumph can provide scholarships to students that need treatment, but do not have the financial support to either start their journey of improvement or to continue the process to high school and program graduation. Your funds will go directly to the care and support of the students, which includes therapy, food, activities, curriculum, teachers, and living expenses. Triumph Academy is a 501c3 non-profit school (ages…
June 9, 2023
Triumph Academy

Triumph Academy Graduation

All students can learn, given the right environment!   At Triumph Academy, the goal for students is to graduate from High School with a full Diploma. Upon graduation students receive a diploma specifically from Triumph Academy, which allows colleges and employers to see the private education without the residential treatment directly attached. Triumph Academy works closely with all school districts on the specific needs of students.  In discussion with the…
June 6, 2023