“All feeling, all character, all thought, all life, exist for us only in so far as it can be reflected upon, viewed from without, seen at a distance, acknowledged by another than itself, and reworded in terms of fresh experience. Stand still where you are, stand alone, isolate your life, and forthwith you are nothing. Enter into relationships, exist for the reflective thought of yourself, or of other people, criticize…
What is Internet and Computer Addiction? American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV will include Internet-use Disorder as a mental illness “recommended for further study” in May 2013. The general description of Internet and Computer Addiction is the compulsive need and excessive use of computer, smartphones and tablets that interferes with daily activities. Warning Signs Losing track of time or lying about the amount of time…
LindsayApril 3, 2022