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TYS Admin

TYS Blog

My Teen is Moody! Part 1 of 2

My teen is so moody! Is this normal? Do I need to be concerned that there is something else going on? Teens are developing into who they are. Many times parents are the last to know what is going on. Is your teen spending more and more time alone, are they withdrawn, playing video games all night, appear gloomy, depressed, and irritable, short tempered, snippy, grouchy, grumpy…? These can be…
TYS Admin
April 17, 2013
TYS Blog

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Teenagers

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder  (OCD) is an Anxiety Disorder. Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. When anxiety becomes excessive it can interfere with normal daily life. The repetitive action (compulsive behavior) of a person with OCD performs is to minimize their fear or worry. A person who has extreme fear of germs may wash their hands over and over again or avoid touching public door handles. Other examples of OCD…
TYS Admin
April 16, 2013
TYS Blog

Teens with Authority Problems

Teenagers often have problems with authority figures…parents, teachers, coaches, police etc. As they get older teenagers do not want to be told what to do. They want more freedom and to make their own choices. Unfortunately, teenagers do not have the knowledge or experience in how to appropriately deal with issues that arise with authority figures so they often respond in disrespectful and defiant ways. It is quite normal for…
TYS Admin
April 16, 2013
TYS Blog

Signs of Sexual Abuse in Teenagers

Child Sexual Abuse is any form of unwanted direct sexual contact or touching, non-touching exposure to sexual activities or pornography for the purpose of personal sexual gratification by the perpetrator. Statistics vary; however, about 15% to 25% of women and 5% to 15% of men were sexually abused when they were children. Approximately 90% of the offenders have some familiarity with their victim; 30% are relatives and 60% are other…
TYS Admin
April 15, 2013
TYS Blog

Conduct Disorders in Teenagers

A Conduct Disorder is a pattern of defiant behavior, drug or alcohol abuse, impulsive behavior or trouble with the law. These types of behaviors are habitual. Conduct Disorders tend to be more prevalent in males and often associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Learning Disabilities (LD). ADHD and Conduct Disorders have a high risk of alcohol addiction/dependence or other substance addiction. Conduct Disorders can also lead to Depression…
TYS Admin
April 15, 2013