One of many things that sets Triumph apart from other programs is our Retriever Training Program. We're often getting new puppies for the boys to train. Here are some of the silver ones that will begin their training through the program. 5
LindsayMay 28, 2017
Each quarter we have Parent Week where the parents of the boys come out for meetings, activities, and bonding with their boys. Work Hard Play Hard still applies during Parent meeting week too.
LindsayMay 19, 2017
Conduct Disorder What is a Conduct Disorder? A Conduct Disorder pertains to behavioral and emotional problems in children and teens, characterized by inappropriate social behavior, difficulty following rules and destructive behavior and violates the rights of others. Many times the adolescent has no remorse for their behavior. Symptoms – frequent and consistently occur in all settings (home, school, public) Aggressive behavior such as bullying and starting fights Deliberately destroying property;…
LindsayMay 16, 2017