
Teen huffing

Teen huffing The National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported in 2011 that nearly ten percent of teens aged twelve and up had tried huffing.  Inhalant abuse, or teen huffing, is a term used to describe the process of inhaling chemical vapors through the mouth and/or nose. Chemicals are poured onto a rag or into a bag and then held over the nose/mouth to be inhaled. They can also be inhaled…
May 7, 2017

Mental illness in teens

Mental illness in teens Mental illness in teens is becoming a more widely discussed topic in today's society and rightly so.  Mental health is part of our overall health and something that should be monitored and discussed openly.  Just as we go to a doctor to check our physical health, we should be aware of and diligent about our mental health, or brain health as some people call it. This…
May 1, 2017