
Happy Holidays!!

Just want to say THANK YOU to all of you who support Triumph Youth Services in one way or another.  Staff, Parents, Boys, Alumni, friends.  All of you. Parents especially, thank you for trusting us with your boys.  We believe in them.  We know they can do so many great things.  And we're determined to help them in any way we possibly can.  It can be difficult to have your…
December 24, 2016

Staff Christmas party.

We had a great staff Christmas party this year.  Always a good time! Some of the raffle items at the party: We also had a white elephant gift exchange.  You can view some clips of that HERE and HERE.  
December 23, 2016

Angels for Christmas

The Angel's for Christmas started in 1992.  This project helps provide Christmas gifts for children and elderly citizens across Utah.  Triumph started helping with the Box Elder County Angel's for Christmas 6 years ago. Angels for Christmas helps families that might be going through financial problems, or hardships. Families that qualify can either be from the department of work force services, a church or clergy group that has submitted hardship…
December 20, 2016