
Triumph Youth Services testimonial

Here's an e-mail we recently received from the mother of a boy who graduated from the program.  Our program is hard.  We expect a lot out of the boys.  And we do everything we can to put them on a road to happiness and success. Here's what Michelle had to say: To whom it may concern,       9/11/16 If you are a parent that has a defiant teenager that you're at…
September 19, 2016

7 Habits of highly effective teens–Sharpen the Saw

7 Habits of Highly effective teens--Sharpen the Saw The seventh habit in 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens is Sharpen the Saw. "The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining."  This quote is what sharpening the saw is all about. Habit number 7 will be a huge help if you ever feel imbalanced, empty inside or stressed-out.  This habit is specially designed to help with those…
September 17, 2016

Triumphs latest graduate!

This is what it is all about! Congrats Francisco! Triumphs latest program graduate. Thank you to family, Triumph family and friends who help make this possible through consistent love and support. Welcome to the Triumph Alumni!
September 12, 2016

Teen Runaway

Teen Runaway Has your son run away or threatened to run away? You are not alone. According to the National Runaway Safeline (formerly known at the National Runaway Switchboard) one in seven kids between the ages of 10 and 18 will run away at some point. Statistics show between 1.6 and 2.8 million youth run away in a year.  What exactly is the definition of a teen runaway? The Office…
September 10, 2016