7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens--Begin with the End in Mind The second habit in 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens--Begin with the end in mind. Imagine dumping out a puzzle of 1000 pieces but having no picture on the box to put it together. How will you put all the pieces where they go if you have no idea what the end result should look like? The same is…
LindsayMay 25, 2016
This spring we've had our students in a group of older boys and younger boys playing rugby. It has been a great experience for them. Our Varsity (older boys) are now into the second week of the playoffs and making a run to finish strong in the division 2 bracket. Our middle school (younger boys) are now in the semi-final match and are one win away playing in the State…
LindsayMay 20, 2016
Troubled teens. An interview series Over the next few months we'll be posting an interview series from some of the boys who have been through the Triumph program as well as some of their parents. The hope is to show what impact getting treatment can have for troubled teens as well as provide some hope and encouragement for the boys and their parents who are looking for help and hope…
LindsayMay 16, 2016
Our boys were able to participate in a career days event hosted by the BATC (Bridgerland Applied Technology College) in Logan Utah. This event has vendors and business from all over Utah to give high school and middle school students a peek into different occupations available to them if they choose to further their education at a college like BATC . From construction, to welding, to computer programming to nursing (just to…
LindsayMay 13, 2016