7 Habits of Effective Teens

Living a principle-centered life.

Living a principle-centered life. Last week we talked about the importance of the book "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" in the Triumph program and the role paradigms play in our lives.  Whatever is most important to us (or our kids) will become our paradigm--our "life-center".  There are many different centers we can have:  friend-centered, stuff-centered, boyfriend/girlfriend-centered, school-centered, parent-centered, sports/hobbies-centered, work-centered, etc.  All of these life-centers don't give us the…
April 5, 2016
Triumph Youth Service

Teen drug rehab

Teen Drug Rehab Let's talk about drug abuse.  And addiction.  And teen drug rehab. Addiction runs in my family.  On both sides.  My brother is an alcoholic/addict.  He tried alcohol for the first time at a very young age at a neighbors house.  He was caught with marijuana at school for the first time in the 8th grade.  He slowly spiraled out of control with drugs and alcohol throughout high school…
April 2, 2016

Schools for troubled teens

Schools for troubled teens Is your teenage struggling in school?  You've tried everything to help them and you don't know what to do?  Some teenagers may experience school problems that affect their performance in school.  Some of those problems may be resolved (with some effort) so the teen can stay at their current school.  But sometimes the problems have escalated to the point where the teenager may have more success…
April 1, 2016
7 Habits of Effective Teens

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens--paradigm shifts One of the books that plays a big role in the treatment program at Triumph Youth Services is "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" by Sean Covey (the son of Stephen Covey who wrote the book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People").  Over the next several weeks we'll be highlighting some of the points in the book that we teach to the boys…
March 28, 2016