Internet and Computer Addiction What is Internet and Computer Addiction? American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV will include Internet-use Disorder as a mental illness “recommended for further study” in May 2013. The general description of Internet and Computer Addiction is the compulsive need and excessive use of computer, smartphones and tablets that interferes with daily activities. Warning Signs Losing track of time or lying…
Triumph Youth ServicesSeptember 9, 2014
Bullying and Aggression in Teens What is Bullying? According to the American Psychological Association, Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort. Bullying can take the form of physical contact, words or more subtle actions. The bullied individual typically has trouble defending him or herself and does nothing to “cause” the bullying. What is Aggression? Merriam-Webster defines aggression…
Triumph Youth ServicesSeptember 5, 2014
Drug or Alcohol Abuse in Teens What is Drug Abuse? Drug Abuse is the improper or excessive use or misuse of a substance. It is portrayed by a destructive pattern that affects daily living and causes problems at home, school, work, with friends, with the law, etc. General Signs and Symptoms of Drug Abuse Sudden change in behavior Withdrawal from the family Lying Changes in sleep pattern; awake for…
Triumph Youth ServicesSeptember 3, 2014
ALS - the Beginning of the Challenge... This is how it started. Our staff watched this segment from ESPN and shared it with our students at Triumph Youth Services... They could not wait to participate in something bigger than their own issues. We will share our own video tomorrow on the blog.
Triumph Youth ServicesAugust 21, 2014
Impulsive Teen Behavior... Risky actions and other problems are associated with this behavior pattern. Symptoms Acting without thinking Difficulty listening Difficulty finishing tasks Frequently interrupts others Yelling at others Hitting others when angry Treatment for Impulsive Behavior Disorders is available using Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). DBT is a cognitive-behavioral type of treatment that focuses on changing behavior, learning ways to reduce impulsive behaviors, learning to be aware of your actions…
Triumph Youth ServicesAugust 19, 2014