TYS Blog

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Young Men…

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? Wikipedia defines Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder as an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear, or worry; by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing the associated anxiety; or by a combination of such obsessions and compulsions. A person with OCD may recognize that their obsessions are irrational or unrealistic and try to ignore them. This only increases the anxiety and the person…
TYS Blog

Young Men with Anger Issues.

Anger, Defiance and Disrespect... What are Anger, Defiance and Disrespect in a teen? Anger, defiant and disrespectful behavior in a teenager is characterized by a complete change of lifestyle and behavior to that which is opposite of friends and/or family. This behavior is not always for attention, but can be an escape. As your young man transition from being a child to an adult, he experiences conflicting emotions and changing…
TYS Blog

Great outdoors Therapy…

Great outdoors Therapy... "Humans crave a connection with nature. From gardening and horticulture to taking a stroll through the park or hiking through the mountains, man has found solace in nature for centuries. But with a shortage of open spaces, fear of “stranger-danger” during outdoor playtime, and an emerging culture of technology-obsessed youth, American life is punctuated by nature deprivation and a disconnect with the world around us. Although quality…
Lighter Side of TYSTYS Blog

Summer Fun…

Summer Fun... You have got to love Triumph Youth Services Summer Activities..  Several of our students are attempting the Scrud's Gourmet Grub Restaurant Bodacious Burger Challenge. A stuffed hamburger over 5lbs topped with pastrami and all of the condiments, and with a basket of fresh cut fries. We should probably mention in order to successfully complete this challenge, it must all be eaten in one hour! Sometimes we need some…
TYS Blog

Our Treatment Program for Youth…

Our Treatment program for Youth We cover a variety of issues including, but not limited to; depression, addiction, and learning disabilities... Triumph Youth Services operates four small residential programs allowing quality time for the students’ individual needs.  All of the facilities are self-sufficient with separate staff, kitchens, and living areas but are all close in proximity providing an intimate campus setting. A minimum ratio of one direct care staff to…