TYS Blog

Addiction to Electronics…

Addiction to Electronics... There are a variety of types of computer addiction: compulsive surfing, playing online or offline games, gambling, social networks, chat rooms, etc. Especially now that handheld devices are so available to our students, a teenager can find social acceptance, relieve loneliness, or escape problems by using the internet. It is important to get help if you see your son exhibiting the warning signs of Internet and Computer…
TYS Blog

Sports, a Positive Reinforcement.

Sports, a Positive Reinforcement Some of the other continuous activities include many different sporting activities and events including high school team sports, competitive sports, club sports and general recreation, consistently scheduled field trips, camping, nature hikes and observation, fishing, vocational training, educational services through the Triumph Academy and the Bridgerland Applied Technology College. Many of our Students enjoy participating in sports. Some of our young men have never had the…
Lighter Side of TYSTYS Blog

Dedication pays off…

Dedication pays off... Here at Triumph Youth Services we have the philosophy 'Work Hard - Play Hard' and it has been very effective in motivating our Students. When we take a new student in,  they have a program that they are responsible for working. We believe in a non punitive environment which is controlled and measured through our Positive Peer Culture program where students work together as a group and…
TYS Blog

Retriever Therapy…

Retriever Therapy... We have another kind of Champion here at Triumph... Our retriever program is highly effective in teaching discipline, self worth and treating behavior problems. This is a highly therapeutic process in which youth must be approved by Triumph Youth Services Clinicians and administration to participate. Teaching these dogs takes an extreme amount of patience and compassion. The students learn various life skills from this program including, positive recreation,…
TYS Blog

Bipolar Disorder…

Bipolar Disorder   What is Bipolar Disorder? According to the National Institute of Mental Health, Bipolar Disorder is when a person has unusual mood changes; feeling very happy and more active than usual (manic) or feeling very sad and much less active than normal (depression). These mood swings are typically dramatic and unpredictable. Bipolar Disorder is often referred to as a manic-depressive illness. Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder is often reserved…