TYS Blog

Need Help after Age 18?

Need Help After Age 18? Many young adults come to Triumph credit deficient and need to graduate high school. Others come in wanting to attend college, join the military, learn a trade or secure a decent job. Triumph offers state of the art classrooms equipped with smart boards and computer labs. We will help find scholarships and help secure student loans. We help student prepare resumes and role play si…
TYS Blog

Anger issues…

Anger issues... As your young man transitions from being a child to an adult, he experiences conflicting emotions and changing hormones. He questions authority, rebels against family rules and struggles with independence. He is trying to figure out who he is and where he fits. Behaviors such as yelling, screaming, arguing, withdrawal and silence, excessive use of drugs and alcohol, doing poorly in school, disregarding curfew, not eating right, changes…
TYS Blog

The Value of Working Hard…

The Value of Working Hard... Our Students want to work when new learning is involved. They thrive on challenge. When programs offer young men the opportunity to build skills, meet new challenges, and observe the results of their efforts, they instill the value of hard work. Perseverance is learned through practice, by working consistently on one project over many months. As they learn skills, they need adult mentors who 1)…
TYS Blog

When School Problems become a serious Issue…

When School Problems become a serious Issue... The severity of the school problems dictates the course of action needed to help redirect the teen back to a path of success. Many times talking with your teen can help you get a perspective on what is happening and you can offer suggestions that will help resolve the problem. If this is unsuccessful, sometimes removing your son from his environment is the…
TYS Blog

When your Teen has a Problem with Authority…

When your Teen has a Problem with Authority... As our children grow and mature they begin to question authority. Teenagers are trying to become independent and as a result question the demands placed upon them. They do not like the limits placed on their freedom. Pushing against authority has its purpose in allowing the teen to explore their environment and see where the absolute boundaries lie. So when does this…