Let’s clarify meaning of respect so that we can have a general consensus of what disrespect is. According to Merriam-Webster.com, respect is having a high or special regard; esteem; an act of giving particular attention or consideration. Therefore, disrespect is a willful act of being rude, inconsiderate, insulting, discourteous and ungracious.

When a teenager is disrespectful it is a teaching moment for parents. Instead of getting angry and upset tell your teen that the way they just spoke to you was not acceptable and give them an opportunity to rephrase what they have said. If they continue to be disrespectful then calmly state you will not engage in any further conversation until they can change their attitude.

Parents are not perfect and sometimes are quick to respond inappropriately with a comment such as: “Don’t talk to me that way.” When you catch yourself making this mistake, acknowledge it to your teen. Let them know what you said was disrespectful to them and apologize. Modeling respect is the best teacher.

Sometimes when teens are being disrespectful it is a way to exert power because they feel powerless and have low self esteem or they think they will get their way. We know that being insulting, offensive, inconsiderate and lying are not ways to get what you want.

Teenagers have so many struggles as they transition into being an adult. The teenage years are the experimenting grounds for learning what works and what doesn’t.

Help your teenager maneuver through this difficult time by being encouraging, loving and showing them the way.
