

Following through with Education is so important.  As a parent of a teenager that graduated from Triumph Youth Services, I can honestly say that Triumph has the program and therapy mix that can help if you have a teen that is struggling with ADHD, drugs and alcohol, getting in trouble with the law, addiction to video games, behavior disorders, learning disabilities, etc. Triumph has a complete academic program serving all types of these students.  If your son has any off these issues, their education is probably falling behind.  The teachers are trained to work with these type of students, and they believe that everyone of their students has the potential to get caught up or graduate. Classroom size also makes a difference; at Triumph Academy classrooms are small, which allows for more one on one teaching.

Planning for College!

Triumph Academy also offers transition planning. Students leave ready to join the work force, attend college or continue in their traditional High School. No student is left behind!