Gaining Personal Confidence

Thomas Edison once said that “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% what we decide to do about it.”

That 90% can either make us better or bring us down, and with PERSONAL CONFIDENCE it can only make us better.

Every youth has the ability to make good, positive life decisions.ย  Drug and alcohol addictions, defiance, low-self esteem, non-compliance, falling grades, anger and disrespect, and other out of control behaviors. All these can be changed by giving the youth the confidence in themselves and their personal abilities. That they CAN make good, positive life decisions. That they CAN have a healthy home and school life. That they CAN have an awesome relationship with their families. Here at Triumph Youth Services we strive daily to instill confidence in the youth that we have the honor and privilege of helping. We let the youth know that they can make positive life choices and through these choices, they can set themselves up for success in their lives.

We do this by being an example to the youth; we train our staff to be positive mentors and examples. We hold the staff and administrators to the same rules that the youth are held to. We re-enforce positive behaviors through rewarding thoseย  positive choices that the youth make. We let the natural consequences of negative choices made teach the youth to self correct the behaviors. We stay away from negative terms like punishment and focus more on changing the behaviors rather then on the outcome of the behaviors. Through these actions, the youth gain that personal confidence that they can be a leader in the quest for excellence.