Hard work yields success.

 In order to live independently, our students will eventually need to have a job. Today having a job contributes to a better quality of life and not just because they are more financially comfortable. When a young man learns to value work not only for what he can gain financially, but for how it can help him feel good about being productive on a daily basis, he can truly grow. Some of the benefits include a higher confidence level and less problems, like stress and depression related illnesses. We teach by applying this day to day. The students are responsible for the care and training of their Retriever (the dog they are responsible for), they have daily chores, they plan and execute fund raisers, and they also do service in our local community.

An article called;”Finding and keeping a job -life skills for Teens” written by Denise Witmer says;

Dedication and a solid work ethic:
“Working is just that, getting a task completed. When a teen learns to see a job through until it is done, and done well, they build more confidence and are better able to handle the next task given to them. This skill leads to positive outcomes in their workplace and at home.” This takes dedication..

Recently the students put on a bake sale at a local business. They worked together to find a place to sell their baked goods, purchased the supplies and followed recipes to make the baked goods. The young men enjoyed socializing with the locals while selling what they had made. Our students were able to raise money for extra curricular activities they earn by following the program and being responsible. This one bake sale helped them develop a sense of pride in their work and also allowed them to feel like a responsible member of the community. We count that as a step towards success. The smiles on their faces says it all.


