Teaching students to be self reliant.. At Triumph Youth Services we subscribe to the idea that if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, but if you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime... We are definitely teaching our students to fish, but in more ways than one. We are teaching them to cook/bake for themselves. They are learning a forgotten…
Triumph Youth ServicesDecember 5, 2013
Engage! Engage is a great word that brings a sense of action. It can be a positive force to get youth involved, which is crucial for our future. The boys at Triumph are no exception. In fact, they are learning the skills, activities and service to not just be excellent members of the community, but true leaders. Triumph engages them through daily activity in Dog Training, Seven Habits for Highly…
Triumph Youth ServicesDecember 13, 2012
Service Project... My girls wanted to do something for the boys at Triumph. They decided to teach and help them make personal blankets for their trip to Alaska. The boys loved it and all participated. Of course this took patience, time, and did I say patience. The girls wanted them to have something for themselves that they could take back home after they graduated the program. I believe my…
Triumph Youth ServicesDecember 12, 2012
DOG TRAINING Dog training is a valuable asset to the recovery we offer at Triumph Youth Services. Throughout the dog training program, the boys learn TONS about themselves and their abilities They grow to love the dogs and gain a personal understanding of the retriever's struggles as it grows and develops into a world class hunting dog. Through this bond they learn to better handle their own personal struggles and how to grow and develop into a positive and productive member of society. The dog training…
Triumph Youth ServicesNovember 28, 2012
Believing in Succeeding Here at Triumph Youth Services we believe in inspiring faith in a Higher Power. We want to help the boys that come into this program to know that they can have an input in their future and change the present. Most boys either don't want to change or don't think that they can. As a company we help them BELIEVE in SUCCEEDING. A recent Triumph graduate who worked…
Triumph Youth ServicesNovember 21, 2012