Our Program

Program Overview

The Triumph Perseverance Program
Through hard work and dedication, Triumph Youth Services provides a safe, nurturing, yet strict environment where basic and essential principles of life are easily taught and exemplified.
We strive to provide a program that encourages and teaches physical fitness and everyday work ethic. This aids in the development of obtaining positive lifelong habits including: healthy living, responsibility, accountability, reliability, respect for authority, commitment and integrity. In turn this will give youth the tools they need to be successful now and later on in life. Our goal is for each youth to complete our program and be able to provide for themselves as well as their future families and become positive contributing members of their individual family units and of society.
It is important to talk the right talk, but it’s even more important to walk the right walk. Here at Triumph Youth Services we believe that “action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action”. The Triumph Youth Services Perseverance Program incorporates a structured therapeutic environment based on an advanced Positive Peer Culture Community involving consistent group counseling and peer mentoring.
Through this program Triumph Youth Services students learn management skills, work ethic, problem solving, group involvement, independence and leadership, which ultimately promotes self worth and confidence.
In addition, the Triumph Youth Services program operates under a system where each student is graded according to his behavior, progress and involvement. Each student must maintain a minimum Behavior Point Average (BPA) similar to a GPA in order to advance through the program. Along with an accepted BPA, each student must maintain a minimum GPA and be adequately progressing through education and treatment -as a whole.
Triumph Youth Services operates a small residential program allowing quality time for the students’ individual needs. All of the facilities are self-sufficient with separate staff, kitchens, and living areas but are all close in proximity providing an intimate campus setting. A minimum ratio of one direct care staff to every four students is upheld. This direct care staff ratio does not include administration, clinicians, office staff and teachers who are also present to supervise and assist where needed.
We maintain a ratio of one direct care staff to every four students in addition to our administrators, therapists, teachers, and other support staff. Staff ratio and continual support creates a personalized treatment approach for the students in our program.
Each student chooses an advocate, “staff mentor,” who will work closely with the student’s therapist and coordinator. The mentor provides support and encouragement to the youth. Quality time can be spent with students during approved off campus outings and activities as the student progresses through the program.
Triumph Youth Services ensures that all employees receive a thorough federal background check through the state of Utah. Each employee receives pre-training and continual updated training, intensive program training as well as professional safety training such as CPR/First Aid, Positive Control Systems, and Food Handler Safety. Prospective staff are screened through the interviewing process to avoid those that are more prone to engage in power struggles with the students, or demean them. We seek out staff who have the characteristics and abilities to be great role models, are caring, and have clear professional boundaries.
Daily Routine
Triumph strives to provide a program that teaches strong work ethic and develops positive lifelong habits that promote individual desire to work and become more self sufficient. This is accomplished through daily personal responsibilities including laundry, personal inventory, hygiene, and daily chores. Chores include maintaining individual living areas, maintaining group living areas, yard work and kitchen duties. As students transition through the program, they are given more individual and group responsibilities.
Within a structured program schedule, students learn to balance and prioritize their responsibilities. This is accomplished by prioritizing their daily schedules with a healthy balance of treatment, school, work, and free time.
Community service is not only encouraged, it is required as part of the program. It is very important that our students learn the value of “giving back.” This is accomplished through regularly scheduled service projects throughout the communities surrounding our program.
Playing hard goes hand in hand with working hard, therefore; we strive to provide a program that encourages positive and enjoyable experiences. Planned activities and events occur consistently throughout the duration of the Triumph Youth Services program experience. These activities and events include but are not limited to: sports, camping, fishing, hiking, snowboarding/skiing, sledding, attending sporting events, plays, workshops and appropriate concerts.
Triumph Youth Services is licensed as a Residential Treatment Facility by the State of Utah Department of Health and Human Services Office of Licensing. Triumph Youth Services was established and has been fully licensed since 1998.
Our programs are licensed annually with periodic visits and audits from a Department of Human Services Licensing Specialist. Triumph Youth Services maintains full compliance with the state of Utah Core and Categorical Rules of treatment that govern our programs and facilities.
Triumph Academy is accredited by Cognia (NWAC). Triumph has been fully accredited since 2000.