We know that teens take risks every day. We chalk it up to being teenagers! They are trying to find their way in this complicated world and they test the boundaries and see just how far they can go.

Impulsive behavior can be described as a pattern of acting without thinking. Teenagers that are impulsive often have problems listening, completing tasks and interrupting others.

But where do you draw the line between risky behavior and impulsive behavior?

When you see a pattern of impulsive actions in your teen it may be time to check with a professional. An evaluation is important to determine what may be happening with your teen.

Impulsive behavior can include:


There are many conditions that list impulsive behavior as a symptom. Only a professional can diagnosis what is going on and assist with treatment.

Treatment for impulsive behaviors is therapy. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) are both effective in teaching awareness of behaviors and consequences and learning healthy ways to deal with stress, pressure or impulsive thoughts and actions.

Triumph Youth Services has many years experience working with youth with impulsive behaviors. Triumph Youth Services offers a small, highly structured family environment for youth. This family-like community promotes a social environment that takes on both therapeutic and healing properties instead of maintaining negative behaviors.

Call Triumph Youth Services. They can answer your questions and offer help.
