Schools for troubled teens

By April 1, 2016Uncategorized

Schools for troubled teens

Is your teenage struggling in school?  You’ve tried everything to help them and you don’t know what to do?  Some teenagers may experience school problems that affect their performance in school.  Some of those problems may be resolved (with some effort) so the teen can stay at their current school.  But sometimes the problems have escalated to the point where the teenager may have more success at schools for troubled teens that are able to focus on helping them in the specific areas they need some support in.

Without intervention, the school problems can escalate to dropping out of school, lack of self esteem, engaging in inappropriate or risky activities and trouble with the law along with a host of other potentially serious problems.

The severity of the school problems dictates the course of action needed to help redirect the teen back to a path of success. Many times talking with your teen and having clear communication can help you get a perspective on what is happening allowing you to offer suggestions that will help resolve the problem. If this is unsuccessful, sometimes removing your teen from his environment is the solution in order to give him a different perspective and an opportunity for a fresh start to be successful.

Triumph Youth Services offers a complete academic program serving all types of students.  Some students are behind in school, need partial credits for classes or struggle with attention, behavioral, emotional or other disabilities that interfere with their academic success.  We provide and include a complete academic assessment when your son is enrolled to help determine potential disabilities and monitor academic growth.

If your son already has an Individual Education Plan (IEP), Triumph’s educational staff will work with your son’s current IEP, help facilitate and monitor progress and collaborate with your school district.  If your son doesn’t have a current IEP plan, Triumph will work with you and your son to develop one.

schools for troubled teens

Does your child have any of the following struggles in school:


Have you tried resolving these issues on your own but have yet to help your child resolve their problems in school?  There IS help.  And there IS hope.  Triumph Academy  is dedicated to helping each student reach the peak of their success.  You can find more information at the Triumph Academy website.