Service Project…

My girls wanted to do something for the boys at Triumph.   They decided to teach and help them make personal blankets for their trip to Alaska.  The boys loved it and all participated.  Of course this took patience, time, and did I say patience. The girls wanted them to have something for themselves that they could take back home after they graduated the program.  I believe my girls got more out of this experience than they expected to.  In fact they are already planning their next project!!! 

Within the Triumph program, the boys do service for the community.  Which helps build character, compassion for others and teaches them to be charitable.  I know the boys always feel good to be apart of helping someone else in need.  This is such a good life lesson and I am glad my girls were able to give back and make them feel special and loved.

These boys have made some bad choices, but this does not make them bad people.