The newest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by the American Psychiatric Association, (DSM5) defines Substance Use Disorder as both substance abuse and substance dependence. It further identifies the substance for example: alcoholism or alcohol abuse would be diagnosed as Alcohol Use Disorder; marijuana abuse or dependence would be diagnosed as Cannabis Use Disorder; cocaine abuse or dependence as Cocaine Use Disorder; etc.

Basically alcohol abuse/drug or substance abuse and alcohol dependence/drug or substance dependence are combined into one new term of Substance Use Disorder.

Professionals continue to discuss the difference between substance abuse, substance dependence and substance addiction. Perhaps that is why they have come to an agreement on using Substance Use Disorder.

Typical definitions:

Substance abuse: pattern of use of a substance even the person is experiences problems; includes non-medical use of prescription medication; can occur without dependence; typically diagnosed from social problem viewpoint

Substance dependence: requires a physical tolerance of a substance; having withdrawal symptoms when trying to stop using a substance; needing increased amounts of the substance to obtain the same effect; typically diagnosed from physical and behavioral symptom viewpoint

Substance addiction: compulsion to continue using a substance even though they are experiencing negative consequences; a compulsive need to use a substance to function and feel normal.

Even if your teen is “just experimenting” with alcohol, drugs or misusing prescription medication, get help. Teenagers have died from one use of a substance. Don’t take the risk.

Triumph Youth Services provides a small, highly structured family-type environment for youth. This family-like community promotes a social environment that takes on both therapeutic and healing properties instead of maintaining negative behaviors.
