Triumph Retriever Program

By September 25, 2017Uncategorized

The Triumph Retriever Program is something we’re known for and one of the highlights for many of the boys who come through the program.

The Retriever Program is a training and competition program where Triumph students have the opportunity to train Registered Retrievers. The youth care for and train puppies, juvenile retrievers and adult retrievers on a daily basis. This program supports the therapeutic processes Triumph utilizes and provides real world training along with Animal Science Credit.

Once the boys become competent in their training skills, they also have the opportunity to work at and compete in many nationally AKC licensed retriever tests and field trials.

The students must train the Retrievers in:
Basic Training
Advance Training

The skills the boys learn from this program (which are useful for the rest of their lives) include:
Positive Recreation
Dealing With Frustration
Repetition of Positive Actions/Behaviors
Fair and Positive Competition
Establishing Appropriate Relationships and Boundaries
Accepting NO
Dealing with Failure and Persistence
True Accountability

After leaving the program, some of the boys are able to take their dogs with them and some of the boys have continued working in this field and entering competitions. ย The Retriever Program is unique to Triumph and something we’ve worked incredibly hard on to help even more boys work their way through Triumph Youth Services.