
Triumph Retriever Program

Triumph Retriever Program

Pile Work

Here is a VIDEO of Little Miss Annie Oakley and Isaiah doing a little pile work (click the link to view on Facebook). Their relationship is so synergistic and our dogs help our boys stay emotionally regulated.  We love our dogs and our dogs love us.  
May 23, 2023
Triumph Retriever Program

Getting Dogs

Being a part of the Retriever Program at the Academy has been such a powerful tool in getting our boys settled in an uneasy time for them. These boys don't have dogs yet, but they are getting closer to have that life long companion for them.
May 19, 2023
Triumph Retriever Program

Water Retrievers

Getting our dogs acclimated to water and swimming. Our boys develop a close relationship with their dogs that will carry on for years to come. This is Trystan and Maverick and we sure love our dogs.
May 5, 2023
Triumph Retriever Program

Triumph Retriever Program

Triumph students have the opportunity to train Registered Retrievers. The youth care for and train puppies, juvenile retrievers, and adult retrievers on a daily basis. This covers socialization, obedience, and basic training through advanced training. Once the boys become competent in their training skills, they also have the opportunity to work at and compete in many nationally AKC licensed retriever tests and field trials. This is a highly therapeutic process…
May 2, 2023