


Something to think about

This is really interesting.  A new way to think about Drug and Alcohol Addiction.  Johann Hari wrote a book called "Chasing the Scream" focusing on the war on drugs and whether it is effective or not.  This TED talk is a small snapshot of his ideas.  Definitely something to think about when it comes to drug and alcohol addiction and how we treat it and how we, as a society…
March 18, 2017

Teen Drug Addiction

Teen Drug Addiction Teen Drug Addiction is a serious problem and one that almost always requires help outside the home to remedy the problem.  Nearly all teenagers will be exposed to drugs at some point and many of them will try them.  Obviously not all teens will become addicted to drugs, but some will. It can initially be difficult to tell if your teen is abusing drugs, but nearly all…
March 16, 2017


We received an e-mail from a parent of one of the boys who was in the Triumph program.  She attached a photo of him while on the Alaska trip. She said (we're sharing this with her permission): "He is alone, yet the shadows of those who supported him on his journey are present. His face is optimistic, confident, peaceful, and looking towards what I like to think is his higher…
March 12, 2017