

Triumph Interview SeriesUncategorized

Troubled teens. An interview series.

Troubled Teens.  An interview series. Over the next few months we'll be posting an interview series from some of the boys who have been through the Triumph program as well as some of their parents.  The hope is to show what impact getting treatment can have for troubled teens as well as provide some hope and encouragement for the boys and their parents who are looking for help. I started…
April 27, 2016

Drug and alcohol rehabilitation center

Drug and alcohol rehabilitation center One question a parent may find themselves asking at some point in their child's life, "How do I know if my kid has a drug/alcohol addiction?"  Which may also be followed by "Does my child need to go to a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center?" These questions first require the answer to "What is an addiction?" The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines addiction as:  the "compulsive need…
April 23, 2016

Alcoholics Anonymous Serenity Prayer

Alcoholics Anonymous Serenity Prayer At Triumph, we teach the boys the Alcoholics Anonymous serenity prayer.   The first time I heard the boys say it together, it gave me the chills. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardships…
April 16, 2016