


Schools for troubled teens

Schools for troubled teens Is your teenage struggling in school?  You've tried everything to help them and you don't know what to do?  Some teenagers may experience school problems that affect their performance in school.  Some of those problems may be resolved (with some effort) so the teen can stay at their current school.  But sometimes the problems have escalated to the point where the teenager may have more success…
April 1, 2016

Quarterly Parent workshop

Each quarter, Triumph Youth Services hosts a parent-week workshop where the parents of each boy have an opportunity to learn more about Triumph, our treatment program, and observe the progress of their boys.  This quarterly workshop walks the parents of each boy through our processes and focuses on the importance of the parents role during therapy and the transition home. We incorporate an activity with the students and their parents…
March 27, 2016

We don’t have to do all of it alone.

There seems to be a growing myth in our society that we should be able to take care of ourselves without help.  That we can be completely independent and have no need from others.  Asking for help can often be seen as a sign of weakness.  And it can often cause a lot of shame for the person asking for help. The truth is, we belong to each other.  We…
March 17, 2016