


More service.

December is often thought of as the season of service.  At Triumph, we focus on service all year long! We believe it is vitally important for our students to learn, understand and appreciate the importance of work ethic, and be able to apply it to their lives. Our “Work Hard Play Hard” philosophy helps us to achieve this goal. We implement this through charity, meaningful community service, school work, therapy/program…
December 6, 2020

Anger, Defiance, and Disrespect

What are Anger, Defiance, and Disrespect in a teen? Anger, defiant and disrespectful behavior in a teenager is characterized by a complete change of lifestyle and behavior to that which is opposite of friends and/or family. This behavior is not always for attention but can be an escape. As your teen transitions from being a child to an adult, he experiences conflicting emotions and changing hormones. He questions authority, rebels…
November 7, 2020