Child Sexual Abuse or Sexual Violence is any sexual act that committed against a person’s will. The sexual act can include rape, verbal sexual harassment, threats of sexual violence, unwanted touching, exhibitionism, unwanted exposure to pornography, taking nude pictures of a person without their consent or knowledge, attempts at a sex act and non-contact sexual behavior.

The laws in the United States vary, however, any type of unwanted sexual contact or non-contact with a minor is illegal.

It is estimated that 1 in 4 females have been sexually abused during childhood in some way.

It is estimated that 1 in 10 males have been sexually abused during childhood in some way.

This is not an easy topic to discuss or even think about, but we must protect our children, listen when they talk to us and talk with them in age appropriate ways about appropriate sexual behavior.

Has your son been sexually abused? Is he a sexual perpetrator? Is your son a victim of sexual harassment? Whether a victim or an abuser, he needs help.

Triumph Youth Services is a licensed residential treatment center for teenage boys and young men. They treat various teen issues using individual, group and family therapy techniques.

They offer a small, highly structured family-type environment for youth. This family-like community promotes a social environment that takes on both therapeutic and healing properties instead of maintaining negative behaviors.

The clinicians at Triumph Youth Services are highly trained, licensed and have extensive experience working with adolescent youth.

Call today. The admissions staff are sensitive and will handle your call with confidentiality.
