While the snow hasn't really hit in the valleys, it's been great to get the boys and their dogs in the field. The time training, playing and working with each other creates a bond that will last a forever.
LindsayJanuary 13, 2025
Triumph students have the opportunity to train Registered Retrievers. The youth care for and train puppies, juvenile retrievers, and adult retrievers on a daily basis. This covers socialization, obedience, and basic training through advanced training. Once the boys become competent in their training skills, they also have the opportunity to work at and compete in many nationally AKC licensed retriever tests and field trials. This is a highly therapeutic process…
LindsayOctober 18, 2024
Thank you Wasatch Hunting Retriever Club for a great Memorial weekend and test. In loving memory of AL, Jeff and Russell, as your kindness and coaching to our boys over the years has inspired and changed their lives. It may not seem like a lot, but getting our boys to see how healthy having a dog can be and how being active in the great outdoors is such a simple…
LindsayMay 30, 2024
Big shout out to our boys working the Hunt Test this weekend. Being around these dogs, the outdoors and dog handlers from across the Western United States is always a great experience for our boys. This is another therapeutic component that helps our boys cope in a positive way.
LindsayMay 27, 2024
Good luck to our dogs, students and staff running in the Wasatch Hunting Retriever Club Memorial Weekend Test.
LindsayMay 25, 2024