Program for troubled teens. Sometimes teenagers reach a point in their lives where outside help may be necessary. Resolving some issues within the home is absolutely possible, but there comes a point where some youth would do better in a different environment with some outside help. This is an incredibly difficult decision for any parent/care-taker to make. But many times, it's the best decision. Early intervention and treatment can be…
LindsayApril 13, 2016
We believe it is vitally important for our students to learn, understand and appreciate the importance of work ethic, and be able to apply it to their lives. Our “Work Hard Play Hard” philosophy helps us to achieve this goal. We implement this through charity, meaningful community service, school work, therapy/program assignments, chores and apprenticeships/employment. After working hard it is equally important to play hard (and we do). We teach…
LindsayApril 7, 2016
Schools for troubled teens Is your teenage struggling in school? You've tried everything to help them and you don't know what to do? Some teenagers may experience school problems that affect their performance in school. Some of those problems may be resolved (with some effort) so the teen can stay at their current school. But sometimes the problems have escalated to the point where the teenager may have more success…
LindsayApril 1, 2016